Healthy eating habits are the guarantee of health and longevity. Greeks mastered this truth long time ago. Here is the main healthy eating habits should be adopted from Greeks.
1. Start eat salad before meal
Starting a meal with a fresh salad has become a daily habit among the Greeks. This dish is considered as the most favorite and main meal of the Greeks.

2. Use olive oil
This product is very important in Greek culinary culture. This ingredient according to the Greeks helps the body absorb nutrients. In addition, the Greeks are accustomed to add put oil exclusively in vegetables.

3. Eat more vegetables
Greece is one of the few countries in the world where people try to eat every day as many fresh vegetables as possible. Of course, in this sunny country vegetables are available all year round and they can afford it.

4. Oregano and lemon juice
These two ingredients are must be in the arsenal of every Greek housewife. Such a combination brings a new taste to any dish. Even an ordinary salad of fresh vegetables with the addition of oregano and lemon juice is revealed in a new way. In addition, these two products reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and help the body to quickly absorb iron.

5. Greens and lettuce leaves
It is difficult to imagine Greek cuisine without fresh herbs or green salad leaves. These products have the most low-calorie but they contain a large number of useful substances. Greens are enriched with vitamins A, B and E, calcium, magnesium, folic and ascorbic acid.

6. Eat more cheese
In culinary creations, cheeses can be used as a natural salt substitute. This is the reason for such a huge number of Greek dishes with the addition of Feta cheese. They are complemented with fresh and fried vegetables, greens and even fruits.

7. Use herbs
The use of herbs is an important role in the Greek cuisine. Their use significantly improves the taste of the food. Herbs also allow to reduce the amount of salt in foods. Thus, the food becomes not just tasty but also very healthy. Herbs contain many unique and valuable microelements for health. For example, rosemary can prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions, and basil in general increase immunity.