Puglia is called the new Tuscany, it is the land of sun and sea, white and golden beaches, pristine nature, amazing cultural and historical centers. The air here smells of sea breeze, tranquility and homemade bread. A delightfully warm climate, amazing green landscapes, great architecture and magnificent views of the Ionian and Adriatic Seas complement the region’s extremely fertile soils and vast sea life.

Where to stay
- Borgo Egnazia (borgoegnazia.com) is a star of Puglia: here are luxurious rooms, snow-white villas and gastro-restaurants. The village-hotel makes you feel that you are on the shooting of a historical movie. Take the bike and after 15 minutes in Savelletri near the sea you will be served fresh fish.
- If you want to feel like an Puglian then you should stay at Trullo Barone (cielodipuglia.com) is a complex of cone shaped houses near the town of Ostuni.
- Masseria Petrarolo (masseriapetrarolo.com) is not just a household, fresh pastries and birds chirping but Its 30 hectares of gardens, lemon and orange plantations, a place where time belongs to you.

Where and what to eat
- The perfect place for a romantic dinner is in Polignano a Mare with a magnicifent view at Grotta Palazzese (www.grottapalazzese.it) which is located in a cave above the sea. It is absolutely must to be visited.
- For those who miss a visit to Michelin stars restaurants, Ostuni is a great and right place. It is a city with a labyrinth of streets leading up to the CIELO restaurant at the Hotel La Sommita (www.lasommita.it). Do not miss the opportunity to stay here for the night.
- In Antichi Sapori (antichisapori.pietrozito.it) there is no menu instead they have a board with a list of greenery and vegetables that have ripened from the garden.

Where and what to buy
- The main purchase in Puglia is local olive oil. One of the best is in Antica Masseria brancati di Corrado Rodio (www.masseriabrancati.com).
- Don’t forget about a significant Puglian wine. Take rose wine at the family winery I Pastini (www.ipastini.it) in the valley near the town of Locorotondo and their sparkling wine with the taste of a green apple will be remembered for a long time.
- For shopping clothes you should go to Bari and visit an impressive and very stylish concept store QUADRA (Via Principe Amedeo, 19/23, 70100 Bari BA) which has a large assortment fashion brands.

Good to know
- Puglia is one of the most important places for the whole Christian world.
- Among the regions of Italy, Puglia is largest wine producing regions, It is also a leading region in olive oil production.
- Puglia, also known as Apulia.
- Il Salento’s main city of Lecce is often called “the Florence of the South
REBELLE magazine recommends
- Spa. The best spa in Puglia is Puglia itself! But if you still looking for a royal procedures you should visit a truly royal Masseria San Domenico (www.masseriasandomenico.com)
- Cocktail. Order Lido punto della Suina cocktail it’s almost Caribbean bar in a shaped house.
- Breakfast. The best breakfast awaits you in almost every hotel-masseria in an orange grove with a set of freshly baked bread, the most fragrant olive oil and the freshest mozzarella.
- Museum. Matera is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Matera is a unique place, was the first site in Southern Italy to be named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1993.
- Journey. A wonderful trip from Bari to the beautiful Greek island Corfu by ferry.